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time2go 16-9

The time to go has come and gone

A medium-length documentary film of 37 minutes
about life in 2017 in the former mining town of Welch in McDowell County, West Virginia, USA.

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 15.41.32

Yolun Dışında

A title we came up very late with while curating this exhibition in Izmir, Turky as MAPS and in collaboration with Darağaç in 2022.


Yolun Dışında

A title we came up very late with while curating this exhibition in Izmir, Turky as MAPS and in collaboration with Darağaç in 2022. 


Beachcombing with Sophie Allerding.

Beachcombing on Texel with Sophie Allerding.


Just a few shots before taking the "perfect" picture visualizing stutterting. Enjoy the eternal suspense. It's nothing bad.

Just a few shots before taking the "perfect" picture visualizing stutterting. Enjoy the
eternal suspense.
It's nothing bad.

kola werbung 2021

Hey there, this is the default text for a new paragraph. Feel free to edit this paragraph by clicking on the yellow edit icon. After you are done just click on the yellow checkmark button on the top right. Have Fun!

cked. Or not? Will 2024 end with:
(in case it is: <this> was 2016)

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* site in process *